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University Space Management

MTSU Classrooms

X25 Webconnection for classroom utilization reports
Use username MTSU, and password blueraiders for access. Best viewed with Mozilla Firefox. Please contact Maria Knox at 5184 with questions.

Resource 25 link to scheduling website

Spreadsheet on Classrooms [xls]

Classroom Utilization Reports

Classroom Standards
This link Instructional space standards is the current version of the classroom standards recommended for MTSU. Classrooms standards are developed through the joint efforts of Information Technology Division, Facilities, Campus Planning, and Academic Affairs. The President’s Executive Cabinet (which includes the Faculty Senate President) is the approving authority for these standards.

Classroom Access
Classrooms have several types of access, including key, combination, Learn Lock, and Card Swipe Access. To obtain access through any of these systems, the first contact would be your department. The department staff can review the type of lock through 25Live – click on the classroom number and look for the room access. A key card must be completed to obtain a key to a space. Combination lock and Learn Lock access must be coordinated through the first priority department.Card swipe access requires your department send an email to the key shop with the faculty member’s M# number.

Classrooms with card swipe access can be programmed to open and close at specific times, or to be always open or closed. We are installing blue pull stations to lock programmed classroom doors during an emergency.